Sandhan Valley-Ladies

Showing all 4 results

  • Chandrakhani pass trek

    Date: 14th to 21st April (Pune to Pune)
    Duration: 7D/6N
    Region: Himachal Pradesh
    Max altitude: 11,800 ft
    Endurance level: Easy to Medium
    Age limit: 12 and above
    Region- Manali

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  • Kokandiva


    Date: 28th Jan ’23
    Endurance: Medium
    Age: 14 and above
    Limited seats: 32
    Fees: 1350/-

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  • Lingya


    Date: 31st July ’22
    Endurance: Medium
    Age: 14 and above
    Limited seats: 32
    Fees: 1350/-

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  • Sandhan Valley (Ladies special)


    Date: 29 th Oct 2022
    Endurance: Easy
    Age: 14 and above
    Limited seats: 32
    Fee: 1800/-

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